The Modu-Line Concept*

The insert holder is clamped in its support by two screws across the section of the tool.

The bearing surface with longitudinal teeth provides excellent strength and precise positioning. Positioning along the length is determined by a stop (fixed or adjustable) and support is guaranteed by the pressure exerted by a ball-spring. The two fixing screws are held tightly by the insert holder, thereby preventing them from becoming lost and making tool handling easier.

This type of tool configuration provides wide flexibility with regard to tooling composition. It is possible to use standard tool holders, Modu-Line tools and tools driven along a screw die side by side.

The spray nozzles are made from stainless steel and can withstand very high pressures (up to 100 bar/1’500 PSI).

Each sprinkler module can be supplied separately, which is essential to guarantee high pressure at the location required and to reduce the formation of oil mist.

There are two versions of the Modu-Line tool holders:

     The tool holder with sprinkler.
     The dual tool holder, making it possible to
       have 2 tools in one position.

For machines with a monobloc tool holder plates, specific Modu-Line tool holder plate can replace the original one. The benefits in increased reliability and tool changeover speed are quite considerable. Operator convenience and handling is likewise increased. There is now no need to position the tools over their length by touching the bar with the end of the insert, thus eliminating the risk of premature notching of the cutting edge. In the majority of cases, a Modu-Line system allows the use of two or three additional tools.

*patent pending